How To Set Up A Successful Blog

How To Set Up A Successful Blog

How to Set up a successful blog, is a topic that i feel is very important to talk about considering that a lot of people out there are constantly looking for that extra side income or even looking to have a full time job to help them stay afloat financially. So many people today wonder how various users of the internet make money through blogging and how they are able nurture it to become a successful business in today's modern world.  We shall be focusing our attention on the topic for the day, How to set up a successful blog.

Below Are The Steps To Consider When Setting Up a Successful Blog.

1) Think Of A Niche: There are so many niches that you can get to write about when considering setting up a blog for a side hustle. For me, I see this as choosing that which you are more passionate about to talk on. Something that you have a flare on. In a more simplified term i will say when thinking of a niche to talk about you need to find a topic that you can easily express your self on and before you know it you would have made hundreds of post without even taking note of it.

2) Decide How You Are Going To Host Your Website: There are various platforms that you can create your blog on. You need to find that which is suitable for you with your current financial capability. You can either choose to set up your blog on, which is a free platform to start with. In fact one of the popular Nigerian blogger today known as Linda Ikeji who has one of the biggest blog in Nigeria started with this blogger platform. She gathered her numerous traffic using this blogger platform before she now moved it to a self hosted server. Another option is to set up your blog on a private server where you can either run it yourself or pay for a web administrator to help in the management of the server where you can run a platform like wordpress, joomla and so on, depending on the one you feel is easier to understand.

3) Get Creative With Your Content: You will need to write quality content. Express yourself here and get your readers coming back to check on your latest updated post. Make your blog interesting and interactive, so that people can get to contribute better. Write about 20 or more post with unique contents and pictures, so that Google can approve your blog for displaying their adverts which you will eventually earn from if you get qualified.

4) Learn About SEO(Search Engine Optimization): Learn how to optimize your contents with the required SEO tricks to get your page ranking on the first page in google. This will help you get traffic to your blog. Also, You will need to send your contents to various search engines by submitting your site map, so that they can crawl your blog post every time you make a post.

5) Share Your Content On Social Media: In other for your blog to get higher traffic you will need to share your blog post to various social media platforms where people can see your post as well and visit your site. Create pages specially for posting of your contents, share and comment on other peoples blog. Drop your website link so that they can visit your blog as well. Doing all this will get your moving at a fast pace.

6) Monetize Your Blog: This is one way to reward yourself for the hard effort that you make daily in getting your blog set up. Apply to various ads publishers like Google Adsense, so that when your blog gets qualified to display adverts you can earn as explained on point 3

7) Try Posting Daily: This is one aspect that needs to be taking seriously so that your competitors don't outrank your blog over night. Try as much as possible to at least make a post or two daily. By doing this you will keep your blog relevant and search engines robots will always come crawling your site to serve the various users that seaarch for relevant keywords on your site.

With this 7 points listed i hope this will help you kick start your blogging career and fulfill your side income dream.

How To Set Up A Successful Blog How To Set Up A Successful Blog Reviewed by TechBiz on 2:46 PM Rating: 5


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